Melbourne Nursing Agency Blog
Melbourne Nursing Agency Blog
We invite you to visit our Blog. It is our chance to share our views and passion for living and nursing in Melbourne. Our blog will feature a number of authors.
Please click here to view our MNA Blog (will open in new window).
Melbourne Nursing Agency News
Please take the opportunity to browse through this our new website. We think it looks good and provides you with an opportunity to have discussions about common interests (join our Google Group), as well as to contact us and register your availabilities, along with its other features. Let us know what you think.
Get your availabilities in!
It has been an extremely busy few months and we would like to thank you for all your hard work. The demand for our staff continues to increase, and there is a lot of work available. So if you know of any nurses looking for extra work we have plenty!! We ask you to refer them to us, a bonus may be arranged.
Again, please keep us updated with your availabilities. If you are planning a holiday or are not available for work also let us know so we won't be ringing asking for you to work.
As you may be aware Sue, our Clinical Teacher, has finalised our educational calendar for this year, and it is available from the office. If there are other topics you would like covered please let us know and we will endeavour to include them in the program also.
How are we doing? You can help us to do the best for you by giving us information on how we are doing. All your comments good or not so good will be welcomed and appreciated. Please give us your thoughts.